Studio Policies
Refrain from the use of alcohol and other mind-altering substances. We have a zero-tolerance policy. We will not allow the participation of anyone who has been identified as being intoxicated or under the influence and may be asked to leave if their behavior is disruptive to the class. This is to ensure the highest standards of safety for all involved.
Refrain from the use of oils and lotions the day of class.
Remove jewelry and watches prior to class. Please keep in safe place, Soul Pole Studios, and its instructors are not responsible for lost or damaged items.
Leave the spotting and instructing to the instructors. This is their responsibility and they have been trained to do so safely, properly, and effectively.
Take care of your body. Hydrate and nourish your body to support its optimal and safe performance.
Bring water (and snacks if you need them) to keep yourself nourished and hydrated through class.
Creating a supportive atmosphere
Ask for consent from all other students and instructors if you would like to take pictures or videos. If someone says no, that is a no that is to be honored. If they say they yes but would not like to be in video, please be sure to honor that request. Be sure to check all the angles when recording- there are lots of mirrors.
Be respectful to yourself, your classmates, and your instructors- think the golden rule -treat others how you would like to be treated. We believe by having an environment of support, positivity, love, and respect it will contribute to your success and provide an enjoyable experience. Please help us in this agreement to build each other up while working toward goals.
Have fun! Enjoy yourself and your learning experience.
Look for the wins. Gain whatever is valuable for you and take it with you.
Celebrate your wins. – We invite you to celebrate your classmates wins too.
Embody your bad ass, golden, powerful (you fill in the blank)- self.
Studio logistics flow
Simply show up- remember to show up first and foremost for yourself.
Arrive 5- 10 minutes prior to the start of class to ensure class begins on time, and you are there for the warmup.
Have payment taken care of before the start of class.
Notify your instructor of any injuries, illnesses, or cancellations.
Cancellation and Reschedule Policies
24-Hour Cancellation Policy
If you need to cancel a scheduled class, please do so a minimum of 24 hours in advance. If it is less than 24 hours, please notify the instructor as well as cancelling on the app. In the event of no shows or late cancels, your account will be charged for the class.
In the event of natural disasters, there are of course exceptions. Please reach out to your instructors or the studio to inform them of your situation and if found appropriate, your account will not be debited. Please do not abuse this exception.
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation with this policy.
Make-Up Lessons
If you missed a lesson, it is your responsibility to reach out to your instructor and schedule a make-up class. You will have the option to make it up during a scheduled Open Pole session OR you can schedule a Private Lesson to make up the lesson and work on other goals and training tailored to you.
Have questions comments or concerns—reach out here.
We acknowledge that we are still new and learning as an industry and business. What we are striving for is to provide the best quality of training possible while also providing and enjoyable and all inclusive, welcoming, meaningful and enjoyable experience for you, and we are continuously learning. That said we may not be perfect and are open to you comments questions feedback or celebrations. Let us know so we can do our best to continue to learn, evolve and provide the best experience possible.